21 June 2023
Annual Review 2022
The SACE Group Annual Review is the story of our 2022 lived alongside enterprises in Italy and around the world. It is our business card, synthetic, multimedia (with podcasts and videos) and personal (with the faces and voices of SACE People and some partner companies), with which we want to introduce ourselves to all SMEs looking for solutions to support their competitiveness. And it is also a glimpse into the future. A future that we want to build with Italian companies and all our stakeholders, walking #together the road to lasting and sustainable growth for all.
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Sustainability will be the leading principle of our actions: impact assessments and metrics will be used to shape all company decisions and processes, and all of our activities will help support the acceleration of the sustainable evolution of businesses.

Technological innovation
We will focus on the development of solutions and applications to improve the knowledge and accessibility of our products and services and make internal processes more efficient, also adopting technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Support for SMEs
We have set ourselves the goal of doubling the number of SMEs we serve to 65,000 in three years, involving them in a new digital ecosystem. This open platform will be developed on the basis of their user experience and involve all of the players in the national economy.

SACE team
Pride, customer service and belief in the value of working together are the three main principles that will drive the transition to the SACE of the future: a close-knit team of professionals led by a new ego-less model of values.
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Last news
21 June 2023
The SACE Group Annual Review is the story of our 2022 lived alongside businesses in Italy and around the world.