Deals & Products SACE - 04 October 2016

SACE for DOpla: € 5 million loans to grow in the European food packaging market

SACE (Cassa depositi e prestiti Group) is announcing a double initiative to support the international growth of DOpla, a Treviso-based firm specialized in the production of plastic tableware and disposable food containers since 1964. DOpla is one of Europe’s leading players in this sector, with annual sales of over € 130 million and over 410 employees in its Italian and foreign production facilities.


SACE has guaranteed two loans for € 2,5 million each, issued by BNL Paribas Group and UniCredit, earmarked for supporting the acquisition of a 50% share in the Spanish firm Nupik International, unchallenged leader in disposable containers for the Spanish market.


“We can only positively underscore the synergic collaboration between SACE and the financial sector  – declared Carlo Levada, CEO of the DOpla Group –. This support has facilitated our company’s future development plans”.


With the acquisition of Nupik, whose clients include the principal mass retailers and cash&carries in Europe, DOpla is continuing its foreign growth path pursued in recent years, (which has included the acquisitions of ISAP Packaging in Italy, Bender in the UK, and Eurovending in Spain), further expanding its presence in the European market and becoming one of the principal players in the food packaging industry.


Would you like more information?
Contact us +39 06.6736.888 [email protected]

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