Miscellaneous SACE - 22 November 2022

SACE: Paola Valerio is the new OECD’s Export Credits Group Chairman

Paola Valerio, Head of International Relations at SACE, has been elected Chairman of the OECD Working Party on Export Credit and Credit Guarantees (ECG), and Vice-Chair of the Participants' Group.

The main objectives of the Working Party, which Paola Valerio will be chairing for the upcoming year, are to exchange information on export credit systems and respective support activities of Member Countries, as well as to negotiate the international regulatory framework aimed at ensuring good governance for the export credit industry, including anti-bribery practices, sustainable lending policies, and socio-environmental due diligence principles. The Working Party has the ultimate goal of establishing sound international standards and identifying solutions to address a set of social, economic and environmental challenges.

This nomination confirms once again the commitment and leading role at international level of SACE and its people. As Head of International Relations, Paola Valerio is responsible for managing relations with the ECA peer group and the institutions that SACE collaborates with on the international landscape.


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