Corsi Education SACE - 27 April 2023

SACE together with LinkedIn launches Digital dialogues for SMEs

A safe approach to digital markets, reach new customers with e-commerce and create an effective strategy to promote business on digital channels. These are the goals set in a round of free training sessions organized by SACE and LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional Internet network, which brings together technical know-how offeror supporting Italian SMEs to embrace digital transformation in a secure and structured way.

The initiative, part of the SACE Education training program, will involve industry experts and professionals from SACE and LinkedIn who will dialogue with companies about the evolution the digital transformation is bringing in market dynamics and which are the new forms of organization SMEs should adopt in order to be able to compete in the domestic market and abroad. 

“Digital dialogues for SMEs”, in line with the goals of SACE’s Business Plan, confirms the Company’s commitment to promoting sustainable innovation in its many forms of application: from the digitalization of business and product processes to strategic risk management in digital markets, from the definition of effective marketing and sales strategies to the positioning of a brand depending on its market and industry.

The first webinar will focus on the most promising markets where to seize business opportunities for Made in Italy and the evolution of the buying and selling process like the innovative digital channels. Next meetings will be on May 23 (the principles of B2B marketing and the Customer Experience as a development strategy for companies), September 20 (the digitalization of the supply chain and how to use LinkedIn for the organization of events) and, finally, October 18 (the optimization of online profile and how to use the network to search for foreign buyers through Business Promotion platform).

“Italian companies, especially SMEs, are at the heart of our strategy and operations. We are very proud of this collaboration with LinkedIn, a concrete and free initiative with the world’s largest digital professional network, a real virtual place of discussion and business opportunities for companies and professionals - said Antonio Frezza, Chief Marketing & Sales PMI of SACE – “Tackling the digital transformation is essential today, doing it in a safe and structured way is our commitment with partners and institutions in line with our 2025 Business Plan”.

“Bringing together technical know-how of SACE, the institutional partner for export and competitiveness, and LinkedIn’s expertise in digital transformation of companies is important to support the digitalization of Italian SMEs operating abroad - declared Marcello Albergoni, Country Manager LinkedIn Italy - This collaboration strengthens LinkedIn’s strategy to continue working in partnership with government agencies and create economic opportunities for all Italian companies. LinkedIn can actively support them with SACE”.

For further information and to register for the upcoming events click here>>.


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