Press Releases and News

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Deals & Products SACE - 18 January 2022
Through the credit line, issued by ING Bank, a Branch of ING-DiBa AG (“ING Germany”), SACE aims at facilitating business opportunities between Italian exporters and the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
Deals & Products SACE - 16 December 2021
Thanks to the loan from SACE and Intesa Sanpaolo Group, as partial but determinant contribution to financing of the gas-metering project, the Uzbek state-owned company Hudugazta’minot will purchase smart gas meters with the latest generation of components from the Italian multinational Pietro Fiorentini
Agreements SACE - 28 October 2021
Adherence to the Poseidon Principles follows the adoption of a Climate Change Policy, highlighting SACE’s growing attention to sustainability thanks to specific measures which improve Italian and foreign businesses’ contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. SACE’s commitment to sustainability is also confirmed by its leading role in supporting Italy’s Green New Deal, through the green guarantees program: more than €1.4 billion guarantees have already been issued to support the country’s green transition.
Deals & Products SACE - 27 October 2021
The third edition of the Manni Group Design Award renewals the collaboration with Starchitects and designers worldwide to increase the awareness towards the development and efficient management of the agricultural industry in West Africa.

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