Press Releases and News

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Deals & Products SACE - 21 May 2018
30 Italian SMEs involved in the construction of the country's first university devoted to agrarian and environmental sciences in Africa.With growth rates of around 6%, Ghana is one of the most dynamic economies in the continent and offers opportunities for Made in Italy exports in a broad range of sectors.
Export forecast SACE - 23 April 2018
The results confirm the economic-financial sustainability of the business model: balance sheet stronger with a solvency capital ratio of 177%. Focus on high-potential markets such as the United States, Turkey, Russia and the Gulf countries and the "frontier" markets of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Deals & Products SACE - 10 April 2018
With the insurance support of SACE (CDP Group), the Piedmont firm Bottero has exported glass-processing machinery worth € 1.5 million to Kenya and South Africa
Deals & Products SACE - 05 April 2018
SACE, which with SIMEST forms the export and internationalization hub of the CDP Group, has finalized a € 3 million deal to support Toscotec’s exports to Argentina. ​
Deals & Products SACE - 04 April 2018
The Brescia-based industrial automation and machine tools group issues a € 12.5 million bond guaranteed by SACE and becomes a partner of SIMEST in China.

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