Press Releases and News

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Agreements SACE - 13 September 2016
SACE and EIAA (Export Insurance Agency of Armenia) announce today the signing of a collaboration agreement in order to enhance the business opportunities between Italy and Armenia.
Deals & Products SACE - 09 September 2016
SACE and SIMEST have announced a major integrated initiative to assist the expansion in Turkey of Serioplast.
Deals & Products SACE - 24 August 2016
The loan is being issued by Creval and guaranteed by SACE as part of the “2i per l’Impresa” program of Cdp, SACE and EIF (EIB Group) that benefits from the Juncker Plan resources
Deals & Products SACE - 09 August 2016
Finalized a € 400,000 line of credit to support the innovation and international growth of the Sicilian firm Montalbano Recycling, SME specialized in technology for the treatment and recycling of waste materials.
Financials SACE - 27 July 2016
Growth in all business lines, with a 70% increase in export and internationalization support activities. Further boost provided by the Cassa depositi e prestiti Group business plan for 2016-2020

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