Press Releases and News

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Agreements SACE - 18 April 2016
Objective: accelerate the revival of trade between Italy and Iran by supporting key infrastructure projects involving major Italian industrial groups and the exports of Italian SMEs
Miscellaneous SACE - 31 March 2016
SACE has been honored as the best export credit agency in Europe and the Middle East as part of the Awards for Excellence promoted by Trade Finance Magazine.
Deals & Products SACE - 24 March 2016
SACE and Sider Engineering have announced the conclusion of an important lending operation earmarked to support the supply of equipment by the Friuli-based company to a steel plant located in Milagro (Ecuador).
Agreements SACE - 18 March 2016
Iccrea BancaImpresa (Iccrea Banking Group) and SACE (CDP Group) finalized an important new agreement that provides € 150 million in new loans to customer companies of Banche di Credito Cooperativo earmarked to sustain innovation projects and growth abroad.
Financials SACE - 16 March 2016
The Board of Directors of SACE, a CDP group company, in its meeting today chaired by Giovanni Castellaneta, approved the draft financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015.

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