Press Releases and News

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Agreements SACE - 30 November 2015
Bank Pasargad, Bank Parsian and Saman Bank sign collaboration agreements developed by SACE to sustain Italian companies in Iran, once the implementation day has been reached
Agreements SACE - 30 November 2015
The Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communication project calls for 35 kilometers of metro line, 35 stations with electromechanical works, and 42 state-of-the-art driverless trains, for a total value of USD 5.5 billion.
Agreements SACE - 24 November 2015
On the sidelines of the Paris Club Forum, SACE and the Government of the Seychelles signed an important agreement aimed at improving the debt profile and supporting the development of the Country.
Deals & Products SACE - 10 November 2015
Fondo Sviluppo Export, the fund SACE created to open the capital market to Italian exporters, is underwriting a € 10 million bond, increasable to an additional 20 million, issued by SCM Group, a Romagna-based industrial group leader in the production of machinery for processing wood and other materials like plastic, marble, glass and metal.
Miscellaneous SACE - 04 November 2015
During its Annual General Meetings (AGM) in Shanghai, the Berne Union - the International Union of Credit & Investment Insurers, re-elected Michal Ron, Managing Director of International Business at SACE, in the role of Vice President.

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