Press Releases and News

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Deals & Products SACE - 15 July 2013
Cassa depositi e prestiti, SACE, BNP Paribas and HSBC announced the finalization of two loans for a total of € 300 million in favor of Eskom, the South African energy public utility.
Miscellaneous SACE - 04 July 2013
SACE confirmed its full commitment in Sub-Saharan Africa and announced a €250 million pipeline of new projects under evaluation to support trade & investment in the region.
Financials SACE - 02 July 2013
The Shareholder’s Meeting of SACE approved the appointment of the new Board of Directors and the new Board of Statutory Auditors.
Deals & Products SACE - 21 June 2013
On the occasion of the first Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) delivery to the Mexican airline Interjet announced at the 50th International Paris Airshow, SACE confirms its commitment to support Superjet International (SJI), a joint venture between the Italian Alenia Aermacchi (a Finmeccanica Company) and the Russian Sukhoi Holding.
Miscellaneous SACE - 20 March 2013
As regards the news on the decision of the European Commission relating to the request for the partial recovery of the State aid allegedly granted by SACE to its subsidiary SACE BT, SACE wishes to stress that the Group has always acted with complete decision-making and operational autonomy, in full compliance with market and competition rules and regulations and without availing itself of any grant from the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, its shareholder until November 2012.

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