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Country Risk Update 10 June 2016
Snapshots: Arabia Saudita, Crescita mondiale, Messico, Polonia, Sud Africa, Vietnam-Stati Uniti
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Country Risk Update 03 June 2016
Snapshots: Brasile, Bulgaria, Corea del Nord, Crociere, Petrolio-Emergenti, Regno Unito, Sud Africa
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Country Risk Update 27 May 2016
Snapshots: Africa, Cuba, Indonesia, Iraq, Raffinazione-Asia
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Focus On 25 May 2016
Capital machinery is the pillar of the national trade surplus. With a value of € 82 billion, the sector represents the front line of our exports, and yet part of its potential is still unexpressed or undervalued.
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Country Risk Update 20 May 2016
Snapshots: Agricoltura-Bangladesh, Airlines-Regno Unito, Bielorussia, Grecia, Mozambico, Sistema finanziario-Rwanda, Tunisia, Venezuela
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