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Focus On 19 May 2016
In recent months, the news has been depicting an African continent in difficulty. Economic growth has been the lowest in recent years, and some old "bogeymen" like rising debt have re-emerged. Is the parable of the African economic miracle at risk?
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Country Risk Update 13 May 2016
Snapshots: Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Energia rinnovabile-Qatar, Estrattivo-Cile, Filippine, Sud Africa
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Country Risk Update 06 May 2016
Snapshots: Africa Sub-sahariana, Cybersecurity, Hotel&resort-Qatar, Iran, Portogallo, Sri Lanka, Venezuela
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Country Risk Update 29 April 2016
Snapshots: Arabia Saudita, Diamanti-Botswana, Energia-Iraq, Perù, Petroliere-Iran, Propano-Usa/Panama, Serbia
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Country Risk Update 22 April 2016
Snapshots: Automotive-Sri Lanka, Banane, Brasile, Malaysia, Mozambico, Oil&Gas, Tunisia
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