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Focus On 02 December 2015
The recent events have drawn our attention back to the effects of violence and terrorism on the financial markets and the real economy.
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Focus On 13 November 2015
Il raggiungimento dell’accordo sul nucleare iraniano ha acceso i riflettori su un mercato a elevato potenziale di crescita, che si candida a giocare un ruolo di primo piano a livello regionale e globale.
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Focus On 26 October 2015
The perception of Made in Italy, abroad as at home, is still associated with agro-food products. However, they account for only 7% of our exports: the Italian bestseller in the world is our machinery, which generates € 74 billion, almost three times as much.
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Focus On 26 October 2015
La percezione del Made in Italy, all’estero come in Italia, è ancora legata ai prodotti del settore agroalimentare. In realtà, questa parte del Made in Italy, seppure importante, vale il 7% del nostro export: la vera Italia nel mondo sono i nostri macchinari, che valgono 74 miliardi di euro, quasi tre volte tanto.
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Focus On 21 October 2015
With over € 5 billion in exports, the United Arab Emirates represents Italy's principal export destination in the Middle East and North Africa, with considerable diversification and a projected increase in exports up to € 6 billion in 2018.
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