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Focus On 24 August 2015
A year ago the forecasts of crude oil prices dwelt steadily above 100 dollars a barrel (USD/bbl). If price has halved since, its value has not–at least not everywhere. Several countries, more or less known, offer better than ever opportunities for Italian companies in the industry, including SMEs. We have divided them into three groups, indicating risks and opportunities of each.
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Focus On 14 July 2015
Il raggiungimento di un accordo sul nucleare iraniano potrebbe aprire interessanti opportunità per le aziende italiane. Il ritiro graduale delle sanzioni in vigore potrebbe infatti portare a un incremento dell’export italiano nel Paese di quasi 3 €/mld nei prossimi 4 anni.
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Focus On 14 July 2015
After months of negotiations an agreement was reached between Iran and the group of “5+1” (United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France + Germany) The agreement provides for the freezing of all sanctions within the year.
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Focus On 23 March 2015
Italian exports of agro-food products accelerated during the 2010-2013 period with respect to the previous three years,and there is an interesting country’s growth potential still unexploited.
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Focus On 03 March 2015
L’export italiano di prodotti agroalimentari ha mostrato una buona accelerazione nel triennio 2010-2013 rispetto ai tre anni precedenti, con un interessante potenziale di crescita ancora inespresso. La performance dell’Italia è stata particolarmente positiva - e migliore rispetto ai concorrenti diretti - nei mercati emergenti extra Ue, mentre ha registrato ritmi più lenti nelle altre aree geografiche.
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