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Focus On 23 February 2015
The Egyptian economy has begun to register the first signs of recovery. Renewed optimism has rekindled consumer spending, remittances and tourism and, for the first time, has restored growth to levels unknown for some time.
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Focus On 23 February 2015
L’economia egiziana ha cominciato a registrare i primi segnali di ripresa. Il ritorno dell’ottimismo ha ridato slancio ai consumi, alle rimesse e al turismo riportando per la prima volta la crescita su ritmi non sperimentati da tempo.
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Focus On 17 February 2015
The 30th edition of Africa Cup of Nations ended on the 8th of February. But beyond the sporting event, the world has long been eyeing the business opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Focus On 12 January 2015
The Argentine economy continues to experience a period of difficulties. Unsustainable macroeconomic policies have led to high inflation, currency devaluation and economic stagnation. The opportunities must be sought in strategic sectors essential for the development of the country and where there is a shortage of technology and know-how.
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