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Focus On 15 November 2012
Le aspettative dopo il 18° Congresso del Partito Comunista
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Focus On 22 June 2012
Il gelo sulla primavera egiziana e le incertezze dell’economia
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Working paper 14 May 2012
Rather than aiming for a “one size fits all” index, SACE’s new approach breaks down country risk as much as possible to identify and analyze its different forms, manifestations, events
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Focus On 10 April 2012
Le sfide di un quadro politico ancora incerto e di un'economia in cerca di ripresa
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ESG & Sustainability 24 November 2011
Asia: Growth forecasts revised downwards for emerging Asia countries was due to the slowdown of advanced economies.
Iran: In 2010 the international community adopted important measures aimed at persuading Iran to abandon its nuclear programme
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