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ESG & Sustainability 05 August 2009
Russian economy has contracted significantly during 1H 2009 and forecast for the full year are rather negative. Oil prices dynamics and capital outflows play a key role but it is the credit crunch that has strongly affected Russian economy.
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ESG & Sustainability 05 May 2009
The ANC comfortably won the 2009 elections, attracting 65,9% of the vote, a result fairly consistent with prior years. As a result, Jacob Zuma will be appointed as the next President of South Africa. However the ANC failed to secure a two thirds majority, percentage required to change the constitution.
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ESG & Sustainability 29 April 2009
Over the past decades Low-Income countries (LICs) have strengthened their economic and financial position and their debt indicators have dramatically improved...
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Working paper 09 April 2009
The target of my analysis is to investigate the Expropriation Risk in Russia, and in relation to it, to assess the attractiveness and profitability of Foreign Investment, particularly considering the “strategic” natural resources sector.
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ESG & Sustainability 20 October 2008
Traditional “made in Italy” productions are the most vulnerable to the downturn, while capital good firms are more resilient. Size helps as well as a robust balance sheet, but the key factor for firms to survive through the adverse cycle remains more internationalization.
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