Scenari 29 aprile 2009

The Sustainable Practice of Lending

Over the past decades Low-Income countries (LICs) have strengthened their economic and financial position and their debt indicators have dramatically improved.

Over the past decades Low-Income countries (LICs) have strengthened their economic and financial position and their debt indicators have dramatically improved.

However, risks of new unsustainable borrowing policies remain. LICs need to balance development priorities and the desire to save debt sustainability. Furthermore global downturn exacerbates macroeconomic vulnerabilities for poor countries posing additional challenges.

New spending policies could plunge these countries into debt distress once again. Hence the importance of developing sustainable lending practices, that is lending that supports a borrowing country’s economic and social progress without endangering its financial future and long-term development prospects.

Debt sustainability framework promoted by the International Financial Institutions, non-concessional borrowing policy and OECD guidelines to promote sustainable lending show a joint commitment to support Low-Income countries on their sustainable borrowing path.

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Rapporto Export 25 giugno 2024
Il Doing Export Report è la pubblicazione annuale curata dall'Ufficio Studi di SACE che analizza i principali trend e le previsioni dell'export mondiale. Questa guida pratica aiuta le imprese italiane a evolversi, presidiare il mercato e intercettare opportunità in un contesto internazionale complesso, ma relativamente positivo.
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